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Requirements for book submission:
In the premium award for the best European garden book, which is awarded by a European jury, also German publisher can present books that they print in license, submit or books that have been written by European authors.
Please submit 3 copies to the "European Garden Book Award in Castle Dennenlohe.
Please note:
From 2016 on we will charge for the first three places a staggered advertising expenses allowance of € 400 for the 1st place, € 300 for the 2nd place and 200 € for the 3rd place. With this grant we fund various community advertisements for the European Garden Book Award.
From the first Award winners we need 5 additional copies for subsequent public relations. The winning books should be sent within one week, after the ceremony, to us:
Castle Dennenlohe
Dennenlohe 1
91743 Unterschwaningen
The deadline for all books for the Award is alsways the last day of February.
The winners will be announced at the Soirée in Dennenlohe in March.
The Jury of the European Garden Book Award :